Which other Flexi Languages you want?

Welcome Elise to the forum. Thanks for leaving your comment. The more people vote for a specific language, the higher we put it on our priority list. Are there specific reasons that you want to learn these languages?

Welcome Tien. Is there a large community of Taishanese speakers in your country?

Yes; they seem to mostly be concentrated in California and New York. There’s actually a whole Discord server of (mostly overseas) Taishanese heritage speakers with varying fluency; it currently has 1,844 members.

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Spanish. I am trying to squeeze time in for it as my third language I’m studying right now after Korean and Japanese.

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Wow, thank you for the information. We will keep this in mind.

We plan to launch Spanish as our 11th language. Hopefully, we will bring this language onto the platform soon.


German, German and more German!! Please :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I hope the three votes from the previous post were properly counted and registered. @Andreas_Admin_Flexi


That also counts as three votes :rofl:

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We are focusing on Spanish to get the first level done as soon as possible.
After launching Spanish, we plan to go next with French and German, right after French. :partying_face:

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I’m really glad German is on the way! Just a little disappointed it is so far down the list!


I second intermediate Cantonese

Thank you for leaving your comment here. Since Cantonese is a very niche language, there isn’t much demand from students. Therefore, we currently offer group classes up to A1+. We, of course, will consider building material for a higher level if we see more demand from students.
As for now, if students wish to continue at a higher level, we provide 1-on-1 classes tailored specifically to their needs.
To book a 1-1 class, you can go to “book a class” → choose 1-1 → choose the time that you want to study and leave a topic that you want to learn. Each 1-1 class is worth 3 credits.

Portuguese would be great as well

Thank you for the suggestion. We will count the votes from students.
Currently, we are working on Spanish, French, and English, which will follow after that.

Great news: Spanish Intro and A1 level has arrived on Flexi! Anyone wants to add Spanish in their language inventory for 2024? :eyes:

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German would be a great addition.


Yes, it’s on our list. :star_struck:
What is your current level in German, and what is your primary goal or reason for learning the language?

I used to be at CEFR level B1 a long time ago but since then my level has dropped significantly.
I want to learn German again, both for professional and family reasons (I have some relatives in Germany, and Germany/Switzerland may offer interesting business opportunities).

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I would love to see Tagalog as well. It is difficult to find courses in this language that go beyond introductions and early beginnings. Please consider this language as well.

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