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Thanks so much. We will fix this asap!

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Audio Recordings for higher levels?

Hello Sonja. Big thanks for you from LTL. We have fixed the audio file name according to the order.
Thank you so much. ^^


Hi Sojna
We have fixed it uploaded into the system. You can download and have a look
Thank you for your support


Hi all. I’m Rosie who is in charge of Mandarin PDF. I go through your comments/feedbacks and have updated all the PDF in the system.
Big thanks for your help and support. We highly appreciate it.


Lesson 10

  • It is Topic 6-9
  • BJ version title is wrong: change to “Review class 2”
  • BJ version: slide 6: 六 has the wrong tone! (六has the 4th)
  • BJ version: slide 14, 16: How do you want to generally abbreviate measure word? m.w. or mw??
  • SH version: slide 3: 六 needs to change to 4th tone!
  • SH version: slide 9: 4th tone for 个 is missing
  • SH version: slide 17: add a “to” before “talk”, (nice to have, for non-native speakers)

Lesson 39 SH version

  • slide 4: wrong commas under 多 and 少
  • slide 4: wrong tone on fei: change to jian3 fei2
  • slide 8: number, measure
  • slide 11: change English text to:
    Meaning: delivery man of food/mail
    These two words are very close and show respect towards the delivery man because we like to use the words for family members to address others. This is our habit and can show both respect and intimacy.
    Also, we have many female deliverers that we can call “ “, “ “

Suggestions from native English speakers welcome!


In the Grammar Bank article online, “的 in Chinese”, there’s an example sentence:

  • 她的男朋友很聪明
  • tā de nánpéngyou hěn cōngming
  • Her boyfriend is very smart

Should this sentence actually be without 的, in order to illustrate the grammar point about close relationships?

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I believe it can actually be both in this case Philip.

Your point is absolutely sound but I think both apply. I remember speaking to one of our Chinese team members about this myself oddly enough!

I wonder why there is no audio for lesson 2 in the Intro.
Has it somehow been lost, or does it not exist at all?

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Agreed, I’ve heard that too!

However, in the context of this specific article (的-in-chinese/#chapter-3), the sentence is being used as an example of the point that “The possessive particle 的 is not used when you are talking about family members, significant others, or important organizations that you belong to like school or work.”

So including the 的 means that the sentence doesn’t really illustrate the point that, in this context, it’s intended to make.


Interestingly in class yesterday I said “我狗” about my imaginary dog, and apparently dogs don’t count as close / family members… so you need to say “我的狗”. I have some pet-owning friends who’d strongly disagree with that :laughing:

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的 is left away quite often, simply to make the sentence shorter. 我的家 or 我家 are both ok, though its true without the 的 it sounds closer.
Its interesting that indeeed you have to say 我的狗。
I studied Chinese at a university in Beijing, so we never learend proper grammar rules, which is really a bit of a shame. The instructions were always “Just listen to Chinese people and use it like they do”.
Not that helpful and definitely not the most efficient way of doing it, but in the end it worked.

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HI SOnja.
Thanks for your support, We have corrected and uploaded Lesson 10 (BJ and SH version) in the system per your advice.
Lesson 39 is under English proofread. I hope that it will be correct in both Chinese and English.
Thanks again ^^


Yeah it’s ready now. Let’s check it out


As there is an important tone mistake in the Chinese headline! I do all the corrections for the lesson:
HSK1 Lesson 36:
Slide 1: Wrong tone on 秋。It has to be the first tone.
2: Write characters with a small c.
4: Change last line to: name different festivals
5: moon and interesting in lower-case
6: The tones are missing in the first B-line: shi4,xing1,qi1,si4
7: moon and apple in lower-case

  • delete full stop in the headline
  • The second sentence of A needs a question mark at the end
  • the images must be changed in the order

12: 他 in the second row has to many pinyin letters. (Only ta1)
13: because and what in lower-case

  • As it is a name, I think the headline should read Cháng é
  • Next to last line: became
  • Content: I would add (the elixir) of immortality

15: Perfect tense: we have learned today

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@Sonja-Mandarin-HSK_3 thank you SO MUCH. This is really helpful.
@Rosie-Cao please correct those and send the updated one here.

The file name is wrong for Lesson 49 (HSK 1, chapter 4)
你要买几张电影票?How Many Tickets Do You Have?
My suggestion:
How Many Tickets Do You Want?
How Many Cinema Tickets Do You Want To Buy?

Maybe shorter for the file name, but inside the lesson, I would prefer the full translation as the title.

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Lesson 33 has no audio?

Lesson 46 has the right audio, but it is named with number 37

Lesson 47 has an audio, but it is the same as Lesson 46 (with the wrong number 37)


Hello Sonja
We have fixed all mistake and uploaded correct audio file
thanks again for your help.


Thank you Rosie,
please also correct the file names of the audios for lesson 48 and lesson 49. (Wrong numbers)