Want to share your language learning journey with us?

Hey guys, I notice we all have a story behind our language learning journey. It would be great to share the story with other people.
If anyone interested in sharing your story with the world, just leave a reply here and I will be in touch. We will have a lovely interview. After that, we will edit the video to spread the story to others. As I’m learning Mandarin and it is quite a challenge to me even though I’m Vietnamese, I received the motivation when I’m supporting the students and know their stories.


Hi Amy, I would be interested in sharing my story.

Not much of a journey myself. I just don’t want to be one of those expat wives who spend a couple of years in a country without taking any interest to learn the language of their guest nation. :sweat_smile: But seriously, life is so much easier and local people approach you completely different when you bother to speak the language, no matter which level you are at.


I am learning Korean as I love Kpop so much. When I was like 12 or 15, I memorized every single word in the lyrics even don’t even understand a word of Korean. Not until I was in university, the school requires to have a third language besides English, that was when I started learning Korean properly.
Now I am learning Mandarin so that I could understand my colleagues :grinning: That’s the most encouraging at the moment.