Hi Max, can’t wait to see you in March. So which kind of phrases do you want to learn more about? I mean to order food, drinks or to ask for directions, etc.
Cái này - This one: When ordering food, just open the menu, point to the dish you want, and say “cái này”. If you’re buying something in a shop, do the same—point to the item you want and say “cái này”. They will understand you.
(Em ơi) tính tiền - Ask for the bill: When you’re ready to pay, just say “tính tiền”.
Knowing these phrases is enough for you to survive in Vietnam. Besides that, I would suggest learning numbers so you can understand the prices when buying stuff.
I think the first thing to know is how to order a coffee?
một ly (1) ______ (2) _______ (3) _____ a cup of
(1) cà phêcoffee
(2) sữa - condense milk, đen - black
(3) đá - *ice / nóng - hot, without ice
một ly bạc xỉu nóng / đá
bạc xỉu - a speial kind of coffee with more milk than milk coffee. It is originally to mix fresh milk with coffee. However, the cost of fresh milk is sometimes too high so what people do is to mix condense milk with hot water and add a little coffee into it. Maybe it’s like latte. However, nowadays, people just add more condense milk and call it bạc xỉu.
Hi Max, I think you might already know it, but my friend who came to Vietnam always said “Cảm ơn ạ” which is for “Thank you” but in a more formal way (“ạ”) and all the locals were so surprised and they treated him soooo nice because they think he was super polite kekeee. So if you can add “ạ” in the end of the sentences, I’m sure the locals gonna be super impressed