Traditional vs Simplified Chinese || Which Do You Study And Why?

I want to run a little experiment.

I’d imagine most of us think we learn the version based on where you are located


– Mainland China


– Taiwan
– Hong Kong
– Perhaps Guangdong Province?

But is this alwaus true? Is your choice to study either of the two solely based on your location or do you have a more interesting reason? I’ve read some cool stories online recently and want to see if we have any on this forum.

Also, for those based in Singapore for example, or heritage speakers based in the west, what do you study?

Let’s see which racks up the most numbers.

For me - simplified.

My reasoning is boring. Having been based in China that’s what I was taught. I have self-taught a bit of traditional to help me get by in Taiwan but otherwise I stick with the “easier” version.

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Team Traditional :wave:

This is 100% down to location - I’m based in Taipei. When I first started learning Chinese, simplified characters were very intimidating - starting with traditional would’ve been traumatic :laughing:

But after a couple years of studying simplified first (before I lived in Taipei), the leap to traditional was a lot less intimidating.

And now my traditional characters make me feel fancy so I’ll be sticking to them :sunglasses:

I am trying both at the same time! And even though I do not practice writing anymore, just recognising a character in both simplified and traditional takes some time to really register.

I started with simplified during my uni years so I know quiet a lot. Learning their traditional version is sometimes easy as a lot of them are similar!

How are you finding simultaneous learning, Marine?

I am studying Simplified, I suppose they invented that to simplify the way we study


For sure! It was introduced to increase the literacy rates in China, but it’s a nice side effect that helps the Chinese literacy rates of foreigners too :laughing:

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haha yes !! it makes it so much easier to learn, I couldn’t imagine having to learn Chinese without pinyin

I don’t “study” either form. I just try to recognise what’s in front of me - 简体字, 繁體字 both are Chinese.

*this is the first post I made in the forum. I don’t know why the forum software gave me such a strange username!!


Hi there, thanks for posting. You can change your username my clicking your profile > Preferences.

Hope this helps

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I like to learn to recognize both. I find traditional to be very beautiful in it’s original form, but simplified is everywhere, so it’s more practical to also learn simplified.

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Welcome to the forum Helen :smiley:
Absolutely traditional look very beautiful. In Taiwan and Hong Kong they also are very useful (essential actually).
I learned simplified in Beijing but am reasonably ok with traditional now just by chatting with Taipei colleagues - though I quite often still find myself using a converter online to convert traditional messages to simplified, just so its easier to read.

Many people say learning traditional first makes it quite easy to learn simplified next, but I never did that, so I cannot comment on that.

Both good points! Traditional can also be surprisingly practical in other situations, e.g. I noticed it helps me read a few things (or have an idea at least) of some written Japanese, which uses traditional characters for Kanji