What are you reading at the moment? Tell us the plot, characters, historical context, whatever you like! Bonus points if you write in your target language.
Show us the book cover to help others find it, plus a page or two.
I hope this creates an interesting thread, as reading boosts language skills on many fronts: vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, culture, history, dialogue, idioms, geography, etc.!
Kelly 亹平
Kicking it off… Here’s what I’m tackling:
It’s one of my favourites that I’ve read so many times in English, and seen pretty much every tv series and movie adaptation!
Plot: 简爱是个单纯的姑娘被亲人放弃的,被他们她是在十岁送去幼儿园的,是非常艰苦的生活。她唯一的朋友去世了,她孤独得很,但一位老师对她很好。简爱在幼儿园呆八年过,渐渐地变了一位老师,在十八岁决定离开幼儿园为了看望世界,找到就业跟高福的家庭,当家教对个小姑娘。在这个新的地方遇见主人叫做罗切斯特先生,他对她有情趣,他们越来越结识,终于谈恋爱,彼此是热爱的也他对简爱提婚了,但那罗切斯特已经有妻子。在离婚天,他的骗子是被发现的,然后简爱很心伤的,离开了他,等等。。。终于他们还结婚因为他的妻子死了。当然我在这儿不能描述地好够了,这本书有很美丽的语言,是本很有名的英语书。
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