Seeking advice for learning two languages

Yes that’s true, probably just us lazy English speakers who suffer this problem! :rofl:

haha I had the opposite problem in Japanese classes, I could read hiragana but then wanted to pronounce the Kanji in the Chinese way :rofl:

Oh wow, jealous you’re on your way to speaking 4 languages :star_struck:

I’ve heard German is incredibly difficult because of the grammar, are you finding it harder than Chinese? :eyes:

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German grammar seems easier right now. I think part of the reason is there are so many cognates between English and German, it’s easier for me to see the grammar structure when I’m reading, which makes it easier to remember. But, I haven’t got to the more complex structures yet, so I may change my mind later, lol!

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Ohh interesting!!

Haha I’m sure if you’re nailing it now in German you’ll carry on with the smooth sailing :sunglasses: 加油!

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