New Mandarin Placement Tests


:lexthelion_pointing: Flexi Classes is building a new Mandarin placement test! Try it out and let us know if the results match your level in the comments. :smiley: Your feedback would help us us improve this valuable tool for all Mandarin learners! :smiley:

:point_down: Please check the level description and choose the suitable test. :point_down:

HSK1: I am a complete beginner. I have not learned this language before. OR I understand the basics of pronunciation. I can greet people and introduce myself.
Test here :point_right:

HSK 2: I can have very simple conversations and communicate about simple daily tasks. I can ask how someone’s day is going, ask for directions and purchase products confidently.
Test here :point_right:

HSK 3 : I can communicate in common everyday situations fairly comfortably. I can talk about subjects like the weather, hobbies or everyday activities with confidence.
HSK 3+: And I can keep a conversation with a native speaker going. I can answer most questions and respond to long statements.
Test here :point_right:

HSK 4: I am quite confident when having conversations with native speakers. I can talk about subjects like current events, interests or travel.
HSK 4+: I can clearly express my viewpoint on most general topics. I can talk about almost every subject with some confidence.
Test here :point_right:

HSK 5 I have a good command of the language. I can talk about academic or professional subjects with confidence using complex sentences.
HSK 5+: I can speak fluently and spontaneously, almost effortlessly. I can talk about difficult subjects I am not familiar with. Errors are rare, difficult to spot and generally corrected when they do occur.
Test here :point_right:

HSK 6 & HSK 6+: I can convey fine shades of meaning precisely. I have a good command of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms.
Test here :point_right:


This looks awesome, can’t wait to test it out! Though might hurt my ego after a few months of slow Chinese study :rofl:


This is great, thanks!

By the way, I believe part 2 question 4 of the HSK5 test is graded incorrectly.


Greatly thanks. I have updated the answer. :heart_eyes:

Please test out. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Just for fun I did Hsk 1 but some answers seem incorrect

Why 爸爸?

打球–is nowhere mentioned

why 她?

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Hi Regina,

Thank you so much for pointing out the mistakes. I have updated the test. :slight_smile:

Hsk 2 as well are answers I am not sure if they are correct:

Is the answer: 非常correct? (I thought都)

Is the answer 因为 correct?(I thouht 但是)


Hsk 3 check the answers🌺
Nice greeting


thanks so much for the feedback, this is super helpful!

You’re right for both of the answers. :partying_face: I am sorry that I set the correct answers incorrectly.

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I took the HSK4/4+ test and I agree with my assigned rating (23/25 => 4+) – but only as far as reading & grammar comprehension, LOL. My output (writing/speaking) skills I rate to be much lower. Hence my suggestion is to also include listening and speaking abilities.

Not sure how to test speaking (other than asking your teacher after taking a class :slightly_smiling_face:) … but for listening skills, you can simply have one of your (mainland) teacher speak out the text, instead of displaying the text – at a speed that’s appropriate for the level being tested, i.e. slower for lower levels. For the questions that are of the “字的正确位置” form, read out each possible choice as a full (complete) sentence (otherwise, it can difficult to understand).

Also testers should be encourage to not select an answer if they don’t know the answer, so that scoring is more accurate. Currently the scored form doesn’t show answers for questions that are left unanswered – please show the correct regardless when displaying the scored test.


Thanks for the suggestion. We will see what we can do for the listening and speaking tests.

This isn’t related to the tests; I just want to introduce our pronunciation tool to you, built by Ben (a Flexi Classes student) and our team :lexthelion_face_happy:. This tool is designed to help students improve their pronunciation by using sentences from Flexi Class material. We are currently updating the tool (intro - HSK4) and will be adding more content from HSK 4+ to HSK 6 (this is a project for August). So stay tuned. I hope this tool will help improve your speaking and listening skills.


A pronunciation tool? Looks great, I need to go and try it now :wink:


Cool! I just tried one of the HSK4 lessons. I got a “GOOD JOB” on all of the short sentences … but it wouldn’t allow me to finish passages that involve more than one sentence :zipper_mouth_face:, LOL! The voice-recognition engine is probably geared toward native-speakers, so even though my pronounciation is fine, because I speak slower than a native-speaker would, it assumes I’ve stopped talking just because I’m catching my breath after encountering the period :grinning:

That said, these modern voice-recognition tools rely heavily or language-modeling to improve their predictions – i.e. it looks at the complete sentence and retroactively makes adjustments to what it initially ‘heard’, so that the probability of each transcribed word maximizes the joint probabilty of the words occuring in the context of the entire phrase/sentence. That is to say, it’s very forgiving (i.e. lenient scorer) – you can be inaccurate with your zh/ch/sh’s (retroflex sounds) and it’ll likely still recognize what you say :wink:

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Let me pass this to the team to see what we can do with the time setting for long sentences and checking zh/ch/sh’s sounds :muscle: :computer: