LTL's Korean Grammar Bank is LIVE

Our Korean Grammar Bank is now LIVE! :kr:

LINK | Korean Grammar Bank || Beginners & Intermediate Lessons

The first lesson is “Basic Sentence Structures”


Let us know what grammar you’d like to see in this grammar bank, and don’t forget we have the same for Japanese and Chinese:

Chinese Grammar Bank
Japanese Grammar Bank


So exciting. Thanks a lot. Anyone has some Korean grammar questions they would like to be answered, please ask here and we can create articles for those too.

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No questions yet, just to say YAY and I’m looking forward to seeing this grow!!


Thanks a lot Crystal! Next lessons will cover how to make sentences in the past, present and future tenses with multiple examples, hope this helps :muscle:

Looks super, coupled with Mandarin and Japanese we’re genuinely got it all covered!

Likewise can’t wait to see it grow

Our Korean Grammar Bank has a new look :heart_eyes:

Easier to navigate and with a new sleek look, you will now find more than 70 lessons across levels A1 to B2.

LINK || Korean Grammar Bank

Happy studying!