Let's share our favourite dictionaries!

As language learns, dictionaries can be our safe heaven. As much as I am a “paper fan”, almost everyone today relies on online dictionaries. So, let’s open a thread to share our favourite online dictionaries for each language we learn. I’ll start:

What an interesting thread! Here’s my list:

:uk: Wordreference
:cn: Pleco
:jp: J-TALK ( Kanji Romaji Hiragana Convert )
:kr: Papago for the translation ( https://papago.naver.com/ ), Lexilogo for the romanisation of Hangul ( https://www.lexilogos.com/keyboard/korean_conversion.htm ) which was shared with me by a Korean teacher

I started using DeepL lately, as I’ve heard the translations are better than on Google Translate.
Anyone uses this one as well?

Besides Pleco, I love these(北京外国语大学)

I go to these first, because the example sentences are much more useful than the ones in Pleco, in that they only use words and grammar that are at the level of the dictionary. Good collocations. These are Hsk 1-5. The Hsk 5 one no longer gives an English equivalent.

Sometimes I use the Yabla online dictionary


Sometimes I use deepl but I think it isn’t super accurate… It should be used combined with other dictionaries just to double check the sentences. However, it is better than Google translate indeed