Language Reactor // NEW Features

I haven’t used Language Reactor in a while and had a look at their website yesterday, only to find they added several new features last year!

We can now paste entire texts to be translated into our target language and vice-versa, and analysed word by word with examples and pronunciation.

One I’m looking forward to is the AI Chatbot Conversation Partner. Similar to Langotalk, you choose your language, a topic to discuss and you can have as many discussions as you’d like with a virtual language partner. It is still in beta mode and needs improvements but it could become a great practice tool.

Not to forget PhrasePump of course that is great to learn and review words/sentences.

I updated our article for 2024: Language Reactor || An Amazing Language Tool (2024 Update)

Have you ever used Language Reactor before?


I use it daily on Netflix because I need my fix of Chinese dramas (and sometimes Korean). I learn a lot with the pinyin/hanzi/English subtitles and other free features.

I really need to get into the habit of using this again.

Presumably you are watching Netflix on the laptop. I can’t remember LR having functionality for the TV as well?

Thanks for sharing @Marine - no surprise they are jumping on the AI bandwagon :slight_smile:

Yes, I watch on my laptop. I wish it was available on TV! But, since it’s a browser extension…

I can’t wait to see this AI chatbot in 6 months time, it’s going to be a great resource !

Oh yes on TV that would be amazing! Maybe one day…

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So interesting! I actually never used language reactor but I feel I need to start doing it also because it seems to have improve a loot of cool new features!

The best feature is still the one allowing you to have 2 sets of subtitles as you watch Netflix or Youtube :heart_eyes: if used for Chinese you can even get 3: hanzi + pinyin + English

I used to love it but now I have to pay to get films in Mandarin. Is it your case? Are you guys all subscribing? I don’t even know how much it is. Maybe I’ll just subscribe. But please let me know first whether I’m doing something wrong, thanks

@Pascale-Mandarin_Simplified_HS I believe the subtitles are not available for free for certain movies/series. There is an explanation in the “Pro Plan” description:

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 11.09.15

Depending on the movie you are watching, that might be the reason. Is is the case with all movies/series you watch?

For any issue, the developers can be reached at [email protected] or on their forum

Otherwise, the pro plan is listed at 5.62€/month, 13.12€ if you pay every 3 months or 37.50€ if you pay every year

I hope this helps!


That’s so weird. I have the free account and still get the three subtitles. Maybe it’s because I mostly watch series and not movies? The one movie I watched a couple of weeks ago also had the 3 subtitles, though.

Anyone still using Language Reactor?

I saw on Reddit someone mentioning FuentAI that is apparently similar to Language Reactor but better, and it also works on Disney+

Anyone tried it already?

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I hadn’t heard of it. Except Language Reactor has pinyin/hanzi/English, which is more helpful to pronunciation than just seeing the character and English for me.

Has anyone used Lingopie? They seem to be similar to Language Reactor.

Seems there are quite a few alternatives out there these days.

Lingopie seems to be a streaming platform in itself instead of an extension like Language Reactor. Also LR is free when Lingopie is not :laughing:

Ooo I didn’t realise it was actually a streaming platform.

Might dig a little deeper and see what it’s like.