Korean Keyboard || How to Type Hangul? How to use Korean Keyboard?

I’m really enjoying my foray into Korean so far. My current learning strategy is:

– Flexi Classes to talk with a native speaker
– Lingodeer to fill in the gaps

I definitely feel progress. I can read Hangul (albeit slowly), I can build basic sentences and have a fairly simple understanding thus far.

When I move to Korea I will spend as much time as possible with Koreans to try and absorb the language.

HOWEVER - I have one thing that has left me still dumbfounded. Using a Korean keyboard. I’m having an absolute nightmare trying to type basic words.

I’ve struggled on both phone and computer :sweat_smile:

Any Korean students or natives who have any tips for me here?!

As for the left hand, I memorized these words / phrases, which line up with the Hangul:

복잡다기 쇼: complicated show ( or use “beach ducks”)

무늬 유리 호: embossed glass (pattern + glass) plus the sound “호” (rhymes with first line)

카툰 차표: cartoon ticket (or use “ket-chup”)


I found this video really helpful to type in Korean on a phone keyboard :smiley:

Skip to the 3 minute mark for the helpful stuff

I remember on Mac you have the option to show the keyboard layout on screen, then I would just slowly find the corresponding key on the keyboard to type words :laughing: not fast but with practice I could remember the letters’ placement

Practising and making progress with this keyboard!

Got some Flexi Korean lessons bookmarked in and I’ll ask m teachers there too.

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Love this tip!