Italian movies on Netflix

Looking to increase my input of Italian via the TV.

I watch sport whenever I can with Italian commentary but now I’m looking for some Italian movies (old or new) that might be great to follow.

Anyone got any recommendations of some of the best Italian movies on Netflix, Prime, Disney etc?

Hai visto questi film su Netflix?
“Lidia Poet”, a true story about the first female advocate in Italy
“Isola delle rose”, a true story about a man-made platform. Utopia of a micronation.

Conosci “Luca”? Lo trovi su Disney. Un bel cartone animato.

Three very different films …I love these films.

Nice! Thanks for these Sonja, I’ll check it out.

I just watched the Christmas Special of LOL on Prime which was great fun. Time to tuck into a movie though.