Is it possible to request a full course at a certain time?

Hello! I’m interested in doing a full course because I really like that it goes chronologically through the lessons. However, the time(s) I am interested in doing is not showing up as a future course (it is a current course but already far advanced in the lessons).

Is it possible to request/suggest a full course start date and time? Or can I assume that once the current course at my preferred time is finished, it will restart again immediately after with the same time and same lessons?

If you’re taking it 1:1, you can set your own time, but the group classes are already scheduled. I had just completed lesson 98, and I don’t recommend doing two lessons together because they don’t build on top of the other. So if I had the choice, I would do one class a day or one in the morning and one in the evening. And rather than booking the entire course, book one chapter at a time.

Thanks for the suggestion, a nice workaround! However, if I can, I’d like to do the group classes because it’s cheaper and “Book All” is so easy to do. I hope we can hear from the admins soon on my questions.

Not that I assume you haven’t done it but as it did happen to me before… have you checked the „future“ button in the filter section? It should show all courses that have not started yet.

I booked a full course but, because unfortunately a teacher couldn’t attend a couple of times, it threw the course out of sync and became confusing which classes I had to rebook. I agree with the comment below, take it a class at a time.

Thank you Stefanie! Indeed, I had checked the “future” button. I was hoping the full course at my preferred time would be restarting automatically, but there was no indication of this.

Thank you Helen for sharing your experience! This is super useful and I will definitely consider it now.

I purchased 100 classes (50 credits) which are valid for six months, but when I booked an entire course and decided to cancel some lessons later (or classes got canceled), they only gave me 30 days to reuse the refunded credit(s). Go ahead with the entire course booking if you want the same teacher. I have had four teachers so far and have my preference. I’m finishing my 100th lesson and waiting for lessons 101-150 to be available, hopefully soon.

Ahh good points! Thanks for sharing your experience, I may proceed this way instead.