HSK4+ & HSK5 Free Speaking and Listening Materials Updates

大家好! :blush:

We’ve updated the HSK4+ Free Speaking and HSK5 Free Listening Materials.

With HSK4+ Free Speaking, we’ve solved the problems of expired links.

With HSK5 Free Speaking, instead of selecting two random videos from websites during class, we’ve now included direct links to specific videos. This will help students prepare more effectively for class.

For both classes, as we want students to have experiences with real Chinese, these links are taken from a website in Chinese. The problem is that it would sometimes encounter expiry issues. On Flexi Classes side, we would regularly check on these problems. However, if you have encountered this problem, please kindly inform us.

Thank you for your understanding and support in ensuring a smooth learning experience for all students. :lexthelion_pointing:

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