How to Say 'Hello' in Vietnamese 👋 3 Simple Greetings for Beginners

A little hello can make a big difference! Here’s 3 ways to “Hello” in Vietnamese

  1. Xin chào (Pronounced like ‘sin chow’) – The Most Common Greeting

This is the standard way to say “hello” in Vietnamese. It’s polite, formal, and can be used in most situations, whether you’re meeting someone for the first time or just greeting a friend.

  • “Xin” means “please” or “request.”
  • “Chào” means “greeting” or “hello.”

  1. Chào bạn (Pronounced like ‘chow ban’) – Friendly Greeting

You can also say “Chào bạn” if you want to sound friendly and casual. “Bạn” means “friend” or “you,” so this is like saying “hello, friend!”

  1. Chào anh/chị/em (Pronounced like chow ahn/chee/em) – Gendered/Respectful Greetings

In Vietnamese, greetings often reflect respect based on age or gender:

  • “Anh” for males older than you.
  • “Chị” for females older than you.
  • “Em” for anyone younger than you.

For example, if you’re greeting an older man, you might say “Chào anh.”

If you’re interested in knowing about formal and informal greetings in Vietnamese, make sure to check out our Guide to Saying Hello in Vietnamese!

Apart from ‘Hello’ in Vietnamese, what other phrases do you think are absolute essentials for people visiting Vietnam? :eyes:


In Vietnam, age matters, so we normally use the 3rd option. If we don’t know the age of the person we are talking to, we guess based on their appearance and greet them accordingly.

“Hello” is also commonly used instead of “chào bạn.”


I always use this to greet people in Vietnamese.

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I didn’t know hello was commonly used in Vietnam, that’s good to know! During my last trip in Vietnam I heard it a lot but I just assumed it was because people were vendors and trying to get my attention to buy their products :laughing:


Haha, yes, your thought is correct. Some say “Hello” just because they want to be friendly with you; some want to get your attention. You can just smile with them or say hello and walk away if you don’t want to buy anything but still want to be friendly. :smiling_face:

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