How to cancel a Flexi Subscription

A Flexi subscription can be cancelled, changed or paused under LTL Flexi Classes at any time. There is no time by when a cancellation needs to be cancelled or any other restrictions. Simply press “Cancel” under your subscription and you will never be charged again.

After cancelling, you will continue to have access to your subscription, use your credits, book and study classes etc. Nothing changes after canceling your subscription, except that you will never be charged again.

Flexi Credits are also explained in more detail on

That sounds very “final” to me. :slightly_smiling_face: But you are still a member and can choose to be charged again for your next learning period, right?

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Haha yes of course your account remains there, including all the past classes, annotated pdfs, access to teaching materials and also this Forum.

And of course it’s also possible to re-activate the subscription with just a mouse click too :grin:

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