Italian is a pretty complex language, and we have a lot ways to express the same thing.
For example, to ask “how are you?” in Italian there A LOT of different ways, depending on the context and level of formality.
The most common and informal way is “Come stai?”, which you would use with friends or people you know well.
For more formal situations, such as with someone you’ve just met or in a professional setting, you’d say "Come sta?”.
Another casual alternative is “Tutto bene?”, which translates to “Everything good?” and is often used between close friends.
My least favorite is “Com’è?” (lit. “How is it?”), which is mainly used in the North of Italy.
If you want to learn more ways to say “How are you?” in Italian, and how to answer the question, you cannot miss this blog || 9 Ways to Say “How Are You?” in Italian and How to Respond
Now I’m curious about your experience! Are there many different ways to ask “How are you?” in your native language?