Has anyone here left TikTok for 小红书 Xiǎohóngshū?

So I’ve been reading about the ‘social media refugees’ fleeing to 小红书/ Xiaohongshu/ Little Red Book and wondered if anyone here has made the leap?

I’ve used 小红书 before but I wouldn’t consider it a TikTok replacement, it’s closer in nature to Instagram (but also functions as a shopping app). Honestly I’m surprised people would be flocking to 小红书 instead of just using Instagram reels :laughing:

Oh and just in case you’ve never heard of 小红书 before, here’s a quick breakdown :point_right: Xiaohongshu Vs Instagram | What is 小红书? Should You Get It? | Flexi Classes

Very interesting world, social media!

Intrigued to see if this is just a short-term fad, or has long-term legs.

My head says the former, but what do I know :upside_down_face:

I have never tried xiaohongshu and do not intend to download it as I am struggling with staying of Instagram already :laughing: But I am very curious to see if people will stay on there long or will give up after a couple months.

Is the app also available in English or only Chinese?

This new “social media refugee” trend is so interesting!

I used to have 小红书 years ago but I honestly haven’t used it in a while so it might have changed since the last time I opened it… I might have to download it again given the hype of the moment ahaah

It’s available in both :slight_smile: But I think the main ‘ecosystem’ (posts/comments) is all in Mandarin, but I’m sure there’s a lot of bilingual/English content on there too

Anyone got any good slang for or useful words for using 小红书 then?

I presume the term “Tiktok refugee” has been coined in Mandarin, surely?

My TikTok feed is now full of content about Americans moving to Red Notes. They have made efforts to learn Mandarin in order to introduce themselves on the new platform.

The dust has settled and Tiktok remains live.

Are people still using Red? Or was it just a fad?