Classes for Traveling

Hello everyone,

I am currently traveling around Hong Kong and wanted to take a few Cantonese classes to understand more. While doing that, I was wondering if there are any classes planned that are specific to traveling / making a short trip? Or are we supposed to take the 10 intro lessons for a new language?

Happy new year ~


Hi Felicia, happy travels to Hong Kong. We made a post recently sharing some hot-spots to visit. I’m not sure how familiar you are with HK but if not, I hope this helps

Regarding classes - you can take them in any order you wish - there are some related to travelling which include

– Taxi or Subway || LTL Flexi Classes
– Holiday || LTL Flexi Classes
– First day in Guangzhou || LTL Flexi Classes

These are A1 level (the last one A1+).

Hope this helps, and do feel free to ask any further questions if you need :smiley:


@Felicia_Wenli While we recommend a specific order, you are free to choose any topic that you want to study first. To do so, you can navigate to ‘My Level’ and filter the languages and levels accordingly. Once you find a topic of interest, simply click on it to view all schedules for that specific topic.

Thanks for all the tips, had a great trip ~

I guess, I was more looking more for a kind of travel crash course. Some “offline” language schools offer these in addition to regular courses. But picking some lessons of the intro level worked for me.

Thanks for the feedback Felicia.

What were your favourite parts of HK? Did you manage to use any Cantonese?

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