Are you a cat or dog person? πŸ‘€

This question almost divided the LTL Taipei school! :laughing::laughing:

Are you a cat or dog person?
:cat::cat::cat::cat::cat::cat: CATS 4 EVER :cat::cat::cat::cat::cat::cat:

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Dog, no debate :sweat_smile:

I used to be a dog person. But I’d say I’ve been more obsessed with cats lately because we are both homebody :joy:

Cats cats cats all the way! I’m scared of dogs :sweat_smile: (except for my grandma’s dog, because I’ve known her since she was a little puppy, so she’s on thin ice)

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Cats cats caaaatss!!! :cat: :cat:

Max leaves the chat :grimacing:

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I’m a dog person. I’ll join your team :grin:


Yay at last! :joy:

Bumping this thread up so our new students can comment too :eyes:

May the cats always win :v::cat:

I’ll always be a cat lover!

Explore dog GIFs

Cats! Always been.

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