Are the Vietnamese classes less popular than the Mandarin ones?

I had my 1st lesson! It was great, and the time flew bye! However it was a group class, but I was the only one… (I’m not complaining). Do a lot less people study Vietnamese compared to the Mandarin classes?
I’m just curious about the percentages or even numbers of people taking Vietnamese compared to the other languages at LTL if anyone knows? :slight_smile:


I have had about 20 lessons so far, and only once was there another student. Motivation is a challenge, but as long as you have a personal goal you’re aiming for, then you’ll do fine.


Yes, fewer students study Vietnamese than Mandarin. It makes the Vietnamese Flexi Classes an incredibly good deal, because they are already half price (only 0.5 credits per group class) and then you usually get a 1on1 class for the group class price. Not sure if it will stay like that, but use it as much as you can.


Is Vietnamese a relatively new language being taught at LTL, or has it been around for a long time? It’s just that I see it only goes up-to A2+ vs other languages like Korean and Japanse go up to B1/B2 respectively :slight_smile:


We have been reaching Vietnamese since 2021, so it’s been more than a year, so not very new but also not very long.
New levels for Vietnamese are being worked on, so there will be more soon too.

Also the Flexi team is based in District One in Saigon, so if anyone fancies coming by for lunch to chat please let us know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I spent 2 months in Vietnam this year, from the end of March until the end of May! I loved HCMC and spent 2 weeks there of my 60 days. I hope to return in March again, and I’d love to stop by! Until then I’ll keep learning:)

2 years later…

How are you getting on Sean? I’m heading back to Saigon in March 2025 and can’t wait :smiley:

Hi Max! I’m not the hardest working student still only at an A2 level but I took a 2 week holiday to VN last month after not being there since July 2023 and I really susprised myself! haha My Vietnamese was better than I would give myself credit for, I could hold basic conversations with people on many different topics and most importantly… people could understand me! I’m also thinking about going back in March 2025… maybe we could meet at the LTL School in Saigon! haha

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Would be super cool. I’ll be there in the first half of March and at LTL Saigon for a week or so.

Hope to see you, let us know if you book anything up on this thread :slight_smile:

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