I wanted to create a thread to see if there is either a grammar structure or sentence pattern you know about, but never use when speaking - simply due to fear of getting it wrong!
Whilst I am not one to hold back, and just speak whether right or wrong, I’ve always feared using 为了or even just 为 for some weird reason.
I genuinely cannot explain why this is the case given the fact it’s quite a basic structure. When reading it, I understand what’s going on but when it comes to spoken Mandarin I’ve never really managed to slip it into conversation and tried to find another way of constructing my sentence.
Do other people get this when speaking?
I am guessing the 把 structure might also be a popular response but I just wanted to share this and maybe we can help each other try and alleviate our grammar fears together by providing example sentences they use.
Another one would be the structure 虽然⋯⋯ 但是⋯⋯ (suīrán… dànshì…).
It’s a useful one but I always end up confusing the order of the words, or even forget the second part of the structure!
Sorry, but I think my list would be too long to enumerate! I’m slow enough putting together sentences when attempting to talk about stuff that I haven’t learnt the words for. Then my brain puts all non-English words in the same part of my memory, which aren’t recalled often.
But I agree with the suggestion, Max.
快要 or 就要 etc.
directional complement
resultative complement
complement of quantity
I dare to correct a little thing in your last sentence. I am quite sure you can’t use 如果 here, it is not a condition but a reason or statement. So I would use 因为。。,所以。。。
There is also a 既然 我。。 as I am. … But I don’t know the grammar of that really.
I tell you what has helped me on these looking back now.
Reading our Grammar Bank. I pick a structure and memorise the most basic sentence.
I tried this with 被 and I finally get it now! I just forced it upon myself and kept repeating that same sentence. I now just replace the noun(s) and keep the structure.
I also did the same for 不得不 - although it’s not a grammar structure as such, it was something I heard natives use a lot so I wanted to join the party.
Memorise a basic sentence, write it, say it and repeat it - this is the way