So we’re probably all familiar with the classic way to say friend in Chinese: 朋友 péngyǒu
BUT there’s actually a lot of ways to say friend in Chinese, including:
好友 hǎo yǒu - a good friend 闺蜜 guī mì - best friend (between women/girls) 兄弟 xiōng dì - bro 哥们儿 gē menr - also used for bros 死党 sǐdǎng - this is a slang term for a super close friend, similar to a ‘ride or die’ friend
Do you know any other interesting ways to say friend in Chinese?
BONUS: If you’re a fan of the TV show Friends, here’s everything you need to know about how to talk about it in Chinese
I had no idea about this one! I have never heard it used in conversation actually, so I’m wondering if it is either: not a very common word to use OR having ride or die friends is not common
There’s a really nice Chinese espression to talk about friendship which is 忘年交 and it literally means “forget year friendship”.
It’s used to talk about a very deep friendship between two people of different age. The real meaning would be “our friendship is so deep that we forget about the age gap”