4 Ways to Create an Immersive Learning Environment at Home

Our friend @Mischa_Wilmers is back with another great article! This time about language learning at home, and how to create an immersive study environment if you live outside of China.

Is your study method at home included in this list? What’s yours?


Thank you, @Mischa_Wilmers, for this wonderful sharing. We also had an engaging discussion about this topic during our previous student meeting. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Big fan of this article! It’s really easy to slip back into ‘English Mode’ when you get home - something I’m definitely guilty of :joy:

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The easiest way to create an immersive environment at home is to marry a Chinese person.
But that’s not something that many of us can do. :laughing:

I teach at a junior college and from time to time slip some Chinese into my classes. The international students think it’s funny. “老师,您的口音很重!”


haha so true, it’s always the ones with the local partners/spouses that speak the best Chinese!

I’m lucky that my work environment (aka where I spend the majority of my time…) could easily become an immersive situation! Definitely going to check out this article. Thank you!

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Welcome to the forum Emily. May I ask where you work?

I find working in a Mandarin speaking office helped me greatly back in 2017. I always do my best to speak in Mandarin with my Chinese speaking colleagues. Every little helps :wink:

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I work at a small Chinese-American business!

I’m glad you got the opportunity to do that – I’m looking forward to being able to have small conversations with my team – they are delighted with me trying!


Definitely a great way to bond with your colleagues and foster great work relationships!

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