10 Ways to Say YES in Chinese (+ Audio)

Did you know that Yes in Chinese doesn’t have a direct translation?

Here’s a great post created by our colleague Katie with the help of LTL Beijing’s Immersion Specialist Jane: 10 Ways to Say Yes in Chinese!

2nd image has audio :loud_sound:

See the original post from our Instagram account here, and follow us if not done already!

NEXT post will be about NO in Chinese, so stay tuned :+1:


That is incredibly useful, especially for beginners but also higher level. Amazing to have the audio with it too.

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I have noticed a lot of students (myself included!) misusing 对 and treating it as a blanket ‘yes’ in Chinese for all situations :sweat_smile: when it should mainly be used to confirm something.

I found this guide helpful in breaking down all of the ways to say ‘Yes’ in Mandarin, including in more professional situations. I even learned a new word: 诚然 (chéng rán) - a formal way of saying ‘Certainly’

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